Monday, March 23, 2009

Rach's 21st Birthday

Finally I stop looking so perverted when people find out our ages!! I tried to make this day special for Rachel, since her 18th wasn't that good. She had 21 presents to open and could only open one per hour, starting from midnight the night before. So when she wakes up at 9, she has 9 presents to open. Not all were big, some were small like a candy bar or a can of pepsi, and others cost more. After waking up, we went for a walk around the lake close by, and then we went to see the film, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. We came home, where Rachel got a hour massage and then at night we went to a Greek restaurant with her family. We ordered several mesas and got to try all different sorts of greek dishes. It was lots of fun. Durning the dinner she recieved her last presents of spending the next two days down in London, where we'd going to the Zoo then that night we'd go to see the Lion King on the front row in a Theatre and the next day do a little bit of shopping and come home. The Lion King was fantastic. The atmosphere, dancing, costumes, way the people moved like animals, and singing was so cool to see. I can't describe how awesome it was. I'd recommend going to see it if you could.