Monday, March 23, 2009

We're coming back.....

Sorry if it seems like we never update this. Rach used to take care of it all but since we moved here, it's been up to me and I don't do it very often. The last little bit we've made the decision to come back to the US and live on the east coast. School for me hasn't worked out like we planned- the costs and lack of money made it impossible to go to university. I'm doing a distance learning degree right now, but with the way things are going, it would take me about 6 years to complete. We figured if we came back it would take us only 2 years, I'd go through the summer and finish as soon as I could. The plan would be to come back to the UK after I'd finished where I could start teaching in primary schools. I've applied to 5 different schools. One in Florida, Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, and West Virginia. If we came back to Utah we'd have to pay out-of-state tuition fees, plus we want to see a different part of the US, so we chose the east coast. We hope we can come see our friends soon.


Matt & Michelle Fam said...

Oh my goodness! When did you cut your hair? Or did you? It looks like you did. I didn't see your comment for a long time. Matt didn't tell me it was there. We are good. Busy. Glad to hear you get to see another part of the world again. Let us know when and where!

CP said...

Audrey and I are excited for you! If you went to BYU, you wouldn't have to pay out of state tuition though... Wink wink! If you don't come back to Utah, we won't blame you though. Audrey and I are out of here as soon as I graduate!

Aaron and Steph said...

We can't wait til we get to see you guys again either!!!! WE LOVE YOU TWO!!! Have a baby so Noah can have a friend to play with! haha We're out in Ohio now..Dental school here we come!

English Rose said...

Thanks for telling me Rachel!!! Still love you though.